10 Best Replies to “On My Way Home”

Ever found yourself in that awkward moment when you’re not sure how to respond to the last thing someone said? You’re not alone; I’ve been there too. Conversations can take unexpected turns, but fear not!

This article is your guide out of those awkward conversational corners, and we’re kicking it off with the timeless phrase, ‘On my way home.’ We’ll share some valuable tips on how to respond to this common expression in a way that’s both thoughtful and engaging. Let’s navigate through the social maze together!

Best Responses to “On My Way Home”

  • That’s quite early.
  • Call me when you are home.
  • Me too.
  • Am I supposed to know?
  • Thank God.
  • Good to hear that.
  • What took you so long?
  • Be careful.
  • You are not home yet?
  • Why?
  • I’ve been waiting.

That’s quite early

This response is particularly handy when communicating with a friend. If your friend or sibling is heading back to your shared living space, they might inform you of their imminent arrival. It’s an opportunity for you to comment on the timing.

This dynamic isn’t exclusive to those living together; friends or romantic partners may also share their plans to return home. Regardless of your living arrangements, you can playfully comment on the timing. For instance, if they’re hitting the road unusually early, you can express your surprise or make a lighthearted remark.

Conversely, if the person is on the way home at a late hour, a touch of sarcasm in your response could add humor to the conversation. It’s all about navigating the nuances of the situation with a dash of wit!

Call me when you are home

This response works well with individuals who would not perceive it as offensive to take the initiative and make the call. It is especially fitting when the person is leaving your location and mentions their departure.

In such situations, it’s entirely natural to express concern for their safe arrival home. You might want to know when they reach their destination, which shows a considerate and caring attitude.

This phrase is versatile; you can also use it with friends you wish to engage in conversation or simply check in on. Whether expressing care for a departing guest or reaching out to a friend for a friendly chat, it’s a friendly and considerate way to keep the lines of communication open.

Me too

This response is particularly fitting when you share a residence with the person you’re conversing with. It implies that you’re not currently at home, but like them, you’re en route.

However, the versatility of this response goes beyond the context of living together. Consider receiving the text “on my way home” from a colleague. While the information might seem trivial, responding thoughtfully is essential.

You can convey that you’re also in the process of heading home. If, for some reason, you’re not on your way home, you can express that you still have some work to attend to. In either case, concluding your response with a wish for a safe journey home adds a considerate touch.

Am I supposed to know?

This option takes a dismissive tone intentionally, addressing a scenario where you receive a personal message from a friend you’re not particularly interested in. While it’s generally acceptable to respond to personal messages in a standard manner, messages that delve into intricate details of someone’s day might imply romantic attraction.

Responding in a dismissive manner can serve as a clear signal, especially when dealing with unwanted romantic gestures. While such reactions might occur instinctively, there could be situations where you purposefully choose to convey disinterest. Given the widespread familiarity with this dismissive approach, it can be utilized as a subtle way to communicate that you’re not interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with the individual.

Thank God

What comes to mind with this phrase? Often utilized as an exclamation to convey relief, this sacred expression finds relevance when someone informs you of their imminent return home.

This situation may involve someone eagerly anticipated or someone whose presence you genuinely desire. Upon learning of the person’s imminent arrival, expressing “Thank God” not only conveys relief but also communicates a sense of excitement or a specific need for their assistance.

The sincerity of your emotions is crucial in this response. If “Thank God” doesn’t accurately encapsulate your feelings, consider choosing alternative expressions that better resonate with your emotions. Ultimately, opting for “Thank God” implies genuine enthusiasm for the person’s return or a recognition of their potential assistance.

Good to hear that

I’ve encountered this expression countless times, and it’s often employed by individuals who may not be genuinely interested in the information you just shared.

Frequently, when someone uses this phrase, it may indicate a lack of interest or an uncertainty about how to respond. Given your aim to respond appropriately, it’s crucial to avoid choosing this option.

Alternatively, if the person providing the information about heading home is someone you don’t particularly care about, you can respond with “Good to hear that.” This neutral response neither expresses deep interest nor disinterest in the person’s statement.

It’s important to note that this response doesn’t necessarily convey a lack of concern. In certain contexts, you can use this statement literally to express genuine happiness upon hearing the news. Additionally, if applicable, you can follow up by mentioning that you’ve been anticipating their arrival.

What took you so long?

You can pose this question if you believe the person should have already reached home or left their previous location.

Living in the same home as the person is not a prerequisite, and you don’t necessarily need the person’s assistance. You might not even be waiting at the person’s home. The key is to acknowledge the information the person has shared and respond thoughtfully.

When someone takes the time to inform you that they are on their way home, it provides an opportunity for connection. People often share personal details with those they are attracted to or wish to build a connection with. Making a considerate comment on such personal information, even if it’s not directly related to you, reflects a positive gesture.

By asking this question, you convey a sense of care, and the person is likely to appreciate it. Following up with a wish for a safe journey home adds a thoughtful touch to your response.

Be careful

This is a considerate and caring response, expressing concern for the person’s safety. While it may come across as overprotective, especially if directed towards a grown-up, it is entirely appropriate, particularly when talking to a child or a younger person.

However, the sentiment of caring for someone’s well-being is universal and can be extended to various relationships. Whether you’re speaking to a sibling, a friend, or your spouse, expressing concern for their safety is a thoughtful gesture.

In certain neighborhoods where safety concerns are more prevalent, such a reminder becomes even more crucial. It’s a way of acknowledging the potential dangers and reminding people to stay vigilant. Sometimes, emphasizing the importance of safety is necessary in environments where risks are more pronounced.

You are not home yet?

This response is suitable when the person you’re conversing with doesn’t live in the same house as you. It could be a friend or someone who has visited, and this question is a way of inquiring about their journey.

Both the initial statement, “on your way home,” and this response imply a specific situation. The phrase “on your way home” doesn’t provide information about when the person left their previous location. By responding with this rhetorical question, it conveys that the person won’t be aware of their arrival unless informed by someone else.

This response suggests a scenario where the individuals involved don’t share a residence, and they may not be working at the same place. It’s a suitable choice if the initial statement was made by a friend who typically arrives home earlier than the time indicated in the statement.


This response might initially seem like a peculiar question, but it fits as a suitable and thoughtful response in certain situations.

Receiving a message that says “On my way home” can indeed feel unusual, especially if the context doesn’t align with your expectations. For example, if the message is from your spouse, and it’s not the usual time they leave work, or if it’s from a sibling in school who shouldn’t be returning home for several months, or even from a friend who should be on a long trip for a few weeks.

In such cases, asking “Why are you returning so early or returning at all?” can be a way to express your surprise or curiosity about the unexpected return. It opens the door for the person to share more information about the situation, providing clarity and context to the unexpected message.

I’ve been waiting

This response involves expressing the duration for which you’ve been waiting for the person. It’s a versatile option that can be applied in various situations, regardless of whether you live together. Here are a few scenarios where this response might work:

  1. Need for Assistance: If you require the person’s help, and they need to be home for it to happen. By mentioning how long you’ve been waiting, it adds a sense of urgency and lets them know you’ve been anticipating their return.
  2. Waiting in Their Home: If you happen to be waiting in the person’s home for their return, this response conveys that you’ve been there for a while, possibly expecting their arrival.

In both cases, expressing the duration of your wait may subtly convey your eagerness for their return and, in some cases, create a sense of responsibility for them to expedite their journey home.

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