Fit Flirtations: 20 Clever Responses to ‘Do You Work Out?’

When a gentleman inquires about your workout routine, it’s natural to ponder the intentions behind his question. Is he admiring your physique, suggesting a joint workout, or simply expressing curiosity? These queries may cross your mind, influencing how you choose to respond.

When a guy asks if you engage in physical activity, it could indicate an appreciation for your figure, an interest in joining you, or just casual curiosity. On the flip side, there’s a chance he might not be fond of what he sees.

If you’re seeking guidance on how to respond, I’ve got you covered with a range of replies, including direct, playful, and witty responses.

20 Responses When Asked If You Exercise

When a guy inquires about your fitness routine, you have a variety of responses to choose from. You can opt for honesty with statements like, “No, I don’t” or “Yes, it’s a hobby.”

If you’re in a playful mood, consider flirty replies such as, “Why, do you love what you’re seeing?” or “I bet you can’t get your eyes off these curves.”

For a touch of sarcasm, try responses like, “Not at all, I’d be fat” or “No, heaven threw this figure down and I caught it.”

Here are 20 things you can say:

  1. “Not at all, I’d be fat.”
  2. “Why, do you love what you’re seeing?”
  3. “Yea, I look good, right?”
  4. “No, these curves are natural.”
  5. “No, it’s not my thing.”
  6. “Not at all, I won’t survive a day.”
  7. “No, heaven threw this figure down and I caught it.”
  8. “Sure, I love being fit.”
  9. “Why do you ask?”
  10. “Why do you care?”
  11. “What is it to you if I do?”
  12. “That’s not necessary.”
  13. “Definitely not, it’d make me sick.”
  14. “Sure, if the bedroom counts.”
  15. “Yes, it’s a hobby.”
  16. “I bet you can’t get your eyes off these curves.”
  17. “No, I don’t.”
  18. “It’s none of your business.”
  19. “I’m not a workout person.”
  20. “Yes, wanna join me?”

Not at all, I’d be fat.

“Absolutely not, I’d be fat” is a witty and sarcastic response for a man who’s inquiring about your workout routine. This reply can be employed when you’re aiming for humor or when you prefer not to delve into a conversation about your fitness habits, whether it’s already evident that you work out or you’re just not interested in elaborating.

Why, do you love what you’re seeing?

One playful response to a guy inquiring about your workout routine is to say, “Why, do you love what you’re seeing?”

This flirty question serves to lightheartedly steer the conversation in a more engaging direction. It’s particularly fitting if you’ve caught him stealing glances, making it the perfect comeback. To add a playful touch, consider playfully twirling around to showcase more of your curves, especially if he happens to be your crush – it’s an effective way to subtly pique his interest. Don’t forget to accompany your response with a charming smile to enhance the overall fun vibe.

Yea, I look good, right?

Another playful response to the question, “Do you exercise?” is to confidently ask, “Yea, I look good, right?”

This approach adds a flirtatious twist to your reply, especially if you’re interacting with someone you’re interested in. Beyond just answering the question, it serves as a way to infuse a bit of fun into the conversation. Whether the person asking is a familiar face or a stranger, using this response is an effective way to take the lead in the conversation, indicating your openness to engaging in a light-hearted exchange. It subtly conveys your interest in interacting with the person, making the conversation more enjoyable for both parties.

No, these curves are natural.

Another playful response to the question, “Do you use the gym?” is to confidently say, “No, these curves are natural.”

This answer conveys that you don’t engage in regular workouts or gym sessions. Moreover, it serves as an inviting reply, indicating your willingness to discuss the topic further.

Furthermore, this response is particularly fitting if you notice the person expressing admiration for your curves. It addresses the potential assumption that your shape is a result of exercise, allowing you to playfully clarify that your natural curves are not the product of a fitness routine.

No, it’s not my thing.

Responding with a casual “No, it’s not my thing” is another effective way to engage in conversation when a man inquires about your exercise habits.

If you find yourself in a dialogue with a guy and he throws this question your way, offering this laid-back response signals your openness to delve further into the topic. It’s probable that he may follow up with queries like why it’s not your preference or what activities you do enjoy. This creates an opportunity for you to share more about your interests and preferences.

Not at all, I won’t survive a day.

An intriguing way to respond when a guy inquires about your workout routine is to playfully express, “Not at all, I won’t survive a day.”

This response adds a touch of humor to the conversation, especially if you find yourselves on a date and he’s exploring various aspects of your personality. It subtly conveys your conversational prowess and keeps the interaction lively and engaging.

No, heaven threw this figure down and I caught it.

Another witty response you can employ when a guy inquires about your fitness routine is to playfully jest, “No, heaven threw this figure down, and I caught it.”

This sarcastic remark is particularly fitting if it’s already evident that you engage in fitness activities, adding a touch of humor to the conversation.

Sure, I love being fit.

Another captivating way to reply when a guy inquires about your fitness routine is to express, “Sure, I love being fit.”

This response conveys your enthusiasm for staying in shape and sends a positive message that you enjoy engaging in fitness activities. If he shares a similar interest in keeping fit, this response is likely to pique his curiosity and open the door for further discussion on the topic. Additionally, it subtly introduces the idea of shared interests, which can contribute to building a connection, especially if you sense that he might appreciate such a mindset.

Why do you ask?

Another intriguing response when a guy inquires about your exercise routine is to counter with, “Why do you ask?”

This reply reflects your curiosity about his motives for bringing up the topic. As previously mentioned, there can be various reasons why someone might inquire about your fitness habits. By posing this question, you not only turn the conversation around but also express genuine interest in understanding his intentions behind the inquiry. It’s a subtle way to keep the interaction dynamic and discover more about his perspective on the matter.

Why do you care?

Another suitable way to reply to a man inquiring about your workout routine is to ask, “Why do you care?”

This response serves the dual purpose of expressing curiosity about his motives for the question and subtly indicating your level of interest in continuing the conversation. If you’re not inclined to engage further or simply want to convey disinterest, posing this question with a dismissive tone can effectively communicate your stance.

What is it to you if I do?

“What is it to you if I do?” is a straightforward question you can pose to a guy, especially if you wish to convey your lack of interest in the conversation.

This response is particularly fitting when dealing with a stranger or someone you may not be inclined to engage with. For example, if a guy you haven’t interacted with before abruptly asks you about your workout habits, employing this question can effectively signal your disinterest and gently dismiss further conversation.

That’s not necessary.

“That’s not necessary” serves as another apt response when a man inquires about your exercise routine. It is a dismissive reply that conveys your lack of interest in delving into the topic.

If you prefer a more polite tone, you can supplement this response with a courteous request like, “Can we change the topic?” This approach maintains politeness while gently steering the conversation away from the subject of exercise.

Definitely not, it’d make me sick.

“Definitely not, it’d make me sick” serves as another playful and sarcastic response when a guy inquires about your workout routine. The tone you choose can be either amusing or mildly dismissive, depending on your level of interest in engaging with him. If you prefer not to continue the conversation, a more dismissive tone might be appropriate. However, if you’re open to further interaction, a lighter tone can add a touch of humor to your response.

Sure, if the bedroom counts.

“Sure, if the bedroom counts” offers another witty response when a guy queries about your workout routine. This playful remark is designed to elicit a laugh from him. Whether or not you actually engage in regular exercise, this response can serve as a humorous way to sidestep the main question. It adds a lighthearted touch to the conversation, providing a playful and flirtatious tone.

Yes, it’s a hobby.

“Yes, it’s a hobby” stands as one of the responses you can offer when a guy expresses curiosity about your fitness routine. This reply not only communicates your commitment to regular exercise but also conveys your positive feelings toward it.

By describing it as a hobby, you provide an intriguing insight into your lifestyle, potentially capturing his interest—especially if he shares a similar passion for staying active. Emphasizing the enjoyment you derive from exercising opens the door for further conversation, allowing you to share more about your fitness journey.

I bet you can’t get your eyes off these curves.

“I bet you can’t get your eyes off these curves” serves as another fitting response when a guy inquires about your workout routine.

This flirty comeback is particularly effective when dealing with someone you’re interested in or someone you catch admiring your physique. To enhance the impact of your response, consider playfully showcasing your curves. If he’s attracted to you, this message will likely be well received, prompting further interaction or action on his part.

No, I don’t.

“No, I don’t” is a direct response to provide when a guy inquires about your exercise routine.

This straightforward answer conveys that you do not engage in regular workouts. If the context is a date, and the question arises in the course of conversation, this concise reply neither expresses particular interest nor disinterest in the topic. However, the direction of the conversation may depend on your tone and body language. Should he wish to explore the topic further, he may proceed with additional questions.

It’s none of your business.

“It’s none of your business” serves as a dismissive yet straightforward reply for a guy inquiring about your workout routine.

This response is suitable when dealing with someone you’d rather not engage with. If the individual is persistently asking questions and you find their inquiries intrusive, this retort can effectively discourage further probing. Whether the person is expressing interest in you or simply exhibiting an irritating demeanor, utilizing this response sets clear boundaries and signals a desire for privacy.

I’m not a workout person.

“I’m not a workout person” is a candid expression of your feelings toward exercising. When a guy inquires about your fitness routine, this response conveys that you don’t engage in regular workouts because it’s not an activity you enjoy.

Moreover, it serves as an intriguing reply that may prompt him to inquire further, allowing for a more in-depth conversation.

Another approach when faced with the question of whether you exercise is to respond with, “Why do you ask?” This particular retort is employed when you’re genuinely curious about the motivation behind his question. As previously discussed, there could be various reasons prompting such an inquiry, and by posing this question, you open the door for a more meaningful exchange.

Yes, wanna join me?

Another fitting response to a guy inquiring about your workout routine is, “Yes, wanna join me?” This answer not only affirms that you are actively engaged in exercising but also adds an interactive and engaging element to the conversation.

By extending an invitation for him to join you, you not only provide a positive response but also steer the dialogue towards a more lighthearted and enjoyable tone. This approach opens up the opportunity for further discussion and, if applicable, could be a subtle way to get closer to someone you might be interested in. Who knows, he might be intrigued enough to take you up on the offer!

Concluding Thoughts

When a guy inquires about your workout routine, there are numerous ways to respond. The motivations behind such a question can vary, and if you’re unsure about the reason, feel free to inquire about his curiosity. You have the option to provide straightforward answers or inject humor and sarcasm to keep the conversation light-hearted and engaging.

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